Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Sunrise

Hi friends. I decided to start this blog as a type of thank you to all you lovely guys and dolls who have supported me in this trip. I received some traveling tips, lots and lots of wide-eyed warnings, a bit of mental and spiritual guidance, and evidently a few prayers but the point is that I needed all of that at some point, still do. Since you all took the time to think of me and, whether you knew it or now, to help me overcome the doubts I had in my capability of doing something like this, I feel like you all deserve to know whats going on. Plus, this is more socially acceptable and personally gratifying than telling my anecdotes to inanimate objects.

So...right now I'm writing this between peeks at the sunrise over the Labrador Sea, easily one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen (only peeks because normal [or just less excited?] people are sleeping and the airline stewardesses keep scolding us for having the window shade up). Could someone explain to me how anyone could see something like that and not believe in God? Anyway, I thought it was a pretty blatant metaphor for this whole trip. New place, new people, new ideas, new culture, new beginning. Heck, this was the first time I have ever been on a plane, which is apparently pretty uncommon as I was the only one of us kids who hadn't traveled at least within the US. I'm not too jealous though; I think maybe the others had already lost a bit of that awe I had as we lifted off, maybe their heart wasn't pounding quite as furiously. Which is a shame, I think. 

I have also been thinking about how quickly life changes, how unexpectedly. I think about this a lot. If you'd have asked me five years ago, a year ago, even six months ago what I'd be doing right now, it sure as heck wouldn't be this. Not that this is in any way a disappointment of course, just not what I expected. And I'm guessing 5 years from now will pretty much be the same situation (read: no, for the thousandth time, I don't know what I'm majoring in and maybe it won't matter anyway). It was difficult saying goodbye to my family as well as my friends, most of whom I hadn't seen in six months anyway, and perhaps even more taxing not having the time to say goodbye to everyone I would've liked to have seen for a few minutes at least. Two months isn't forever, but its a long time when it is sandwiched between four semesters of work and school. But, somebody (Jason Bryant? Coach Mitchell?) used to say that it isn't sacrifice if what you achieve is better than what you give up. Not that time with loved ones can be replaced but I thought Tim Dockery put this whole thing in perspective for me rather well. He told me that this experience would change me, maybe make me a better wife, mother, friend, and lover. Tim is right about a lot things (though the last bit did make me giggle) and let's just say I have a good ways to go in all of those departments. I realize a lot of this is what I make of it, which is a terrifying thought, but perhaps I won't completely screw this up just this once. 

Flight from Charlotte to Dallas. 

Statue of Bush at Houston Airport entitled 'Winds of Change.' Insert your own caption here.

The sun going down over one of the Great Lakes (Superior?). Doesn't do it justice.

A picture my good friend Clark took as we flew over Iceland. Incredible!

**Obviously I am posting this later, as I have not had internet access until now. So many more exciting things have happened since! They will have to wait though. For now, sleep.


  1. I don't know which sounded better- when you first told us you were going to Southeast Asia, or your very descriptive experience so far, or maybe both. The obvious fact though is, it's one heck of a trip, full of adventures that have yet to come. I wish you the best Lacy :). -Carlos

  2. I cannot even imagine all the experiences you are about to have but based on the ones you have already told us about it will be amazing. I look at the pictures you have posted and am in awe. As for not screwing it up, sounds like you have the perfect mindset to fully appreciate all that you are about to experience and to allow it to change you into an even more wonderful person than you already are. Enjoy every moment because I'm sure the time will fly by!

  3. Glad that your experiences are being enhanced by your general inexperience. That made me smile. Thanks for sharing your very personal feeling with us :)

  4. I look forward to reading more posts!! :)

  5. Singapore looks awesome. Love the pictures and posts.
